Monday, April 27, 2009

When will it ever end?

The North American Society has changed a lot throughout the years, society has become more educated with violence and it seems like it is the normal thing to do now- a -days which is completely wrong. There are many factors that are contributing to the growing problem of aggression in North America. Gangs have a huge impact on society because problems between gangs are being brought out into local communities and innocent people are being killed. British Columbia is having a huge problem with gangs especially in Surrey B.C. The Bacon Brothers have been involved in a lot of the gang wars. Gangs usually bring there problem to the streets when it is involving drugs, drugs have become another factor in violence. People don’t pay the money that they owe to the gangs and it ends up become a huge war because they don’t have the money. Drugs have changed society to make almost that we know they are there, but we just turn our heads to the crimes that are being committed over them. In the book “Candy” we see what drugs do to a person they seem to put a spell on the person so that they will keep going back to get there fix. When you finally get the chance to get away you always have that feeling that you need your next fix. In North America the media desensitized society from violence because they make it seem like it is the normal things and everyone does it so why not join? People’s magazine right now has a article on a 27- year old pre med student who is a suspect in a murder of a young girl who he had talked to on craglist. No matter if it is in a magazine or on television there is violence in everything that we watch and see now-a-days. Weapons are seen everywhere in society there are used in drive by shootings and gangs wars and how are young people getting there hands on a legal fire arms, society has rules and laws on weapons but it seems no matter what we do to crack down on weapons and violence they fit through the cracks. Weapons harm innocent people and take loved ones away from people and most of the time they were just walking down the street and got in the way of someone who was high on something and the only way that person thought to get past was to shoot and kill them in cold blood.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What price would you pay to protect someone you love?

Have you ever been at a family reunion and have to listen people talk about things that have happened in there lives and it seems to drag on for hours and hours, Well if you feel like you want to watch a movie that represents that family reunion just watch " Of Mice and Men".Gary Sinise movie Of mice and men makes you believe that friendship is the ultimate gift in life and no matter the stupid things that your friend may do, you will always be there for them. John Malkovich (Lenny) plays a very big fellow , that all he wants out of life is to have something that he "can pet with his thumb". Lenny wants the to make George (Gary Sinise) proud of him so he will do anything to make George happy, because he doesn't want George to take the rabbits away from him. Gary Sinise does an amazing job of making you feel that you are in the same situation as thousands of people living through the Great Depression. George is the small but mighty of the two man , Lenny is the soft and gentle. As the movie moves along the man travel from Weed to California to try and start over and build a new life . George and Lenny's have a dream of some day owning a piece of there own land, and living off the fatta' of the land.
This movie is one of the worst that i have watched in a very long time, after reading John Steinbecks book and learning about Lenny and his problems , It made me think that Lenny is just a slow and troubled person. But after watching the movie that Gary Sinise put together made me really think if Lenny was just slow or plain stupid? This movie just seems to drag along like someone when they run there fingers along the chalk board and you get the cold pain down your back. Gary needs to learn how to bring the audience into the movie. It just seemed to make me want to fall asleep.
If you are looking for a movie that is going to put you to sleep here is the movie for you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

George Milton

In the novel Of Mice and men by John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men is about
Very strong friendship between, To ranch workers and the struggles that they go
Through to finally become happy.
George is a very strong headed person “Lennie, for God sakes”. He seems to loses his
mind on the smallest and least important things. George comes across at you , as if he
hates the whole world and doesn’t want anything to do with anyone, But that is the
thick outer shell of George. George is very protective of his close friend Lennie no
matter what Lennie seems to get himself , George is always there to make sure that he is
going to be taken care of because he promised his “Aunt Clara” that he would look after
him and keep him out of trouble. George also got mad at Lennie for not remembering
“The bad things like (he) done in Weed”. No matter what it still seems like George will always be the older man who is never smiling even though he could be living the perfect life. Lennie looks up to George like he is his father figure and takes everything that he says to heart no matter if George is standing yelling his head off at him. When you read on in this book you get to see that George has a sweet side and no matter how mad he gets at Lennie he is only looking out for him. Lennie has the mind of child and doesn’t that his actions will get him into trouble, But George shows him that he needs to remember and “ Just follow the river” and to wait until he comes for him. George has a the mind of a bull but a heart of two year old child. But will we ever see if he really does truly care for Lennie?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Super powers

My superhero would have the power to duplicate anything or anyone. The power of duplicate would come in handy because everyone goes through the days when they need to be at two places at once. If could duplicate myself i could to go to the movies and still hang out at home and be lazy.With my super power i would be able to help people in a situation , when they are need at different places. If i was ever in serious trouble i would be able to create an army of myself and be able to protect the real me.I would go on trips and leave a duplicate at home and one that could go to work and take care of other things going on at the time.I could take over the world with my superpower i could be able to control problems and conflict that are going on between to countries in the world. I would make peace in the whole world and make sure that there are no wars going on because i could make an army that could be in every single country.My superhero would use the duplication power for good and to change things for the better.Situation for my power would be a young girl has a job interview but she also has to be working at her present job, so with the duplication power she would be able to send a duplication of herself to her job, and you can send yourself to the job interview. The young girl has the ability to be in two places at once.